Raijin (雷神), also known as Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami, Kaminari-sama, and Raiden-sama, is one of the oldest of Shinto kami (God). Raijin is a fierce and aggressive kami who controls lightning and storms. He is often depicted standing upon a cloud with wild hair and horns, with taiko drums which are played with the large hammers he holds, to produce the sounds of thunder. Raijin is often seen as a protector and a warrior and can be seen in temples and shrines across Japan. Raijin is often portrayed with three fingers, which represent the past, present and future. He is often seen with his brother Fujin who is the kami of wind. These two brothers are both seen as both warrior and guardian spirits. They are also both rivals and battle often to see who will rule the sky. As the Raijin forms the storms Fujin comes to blow his brother away. Both brothers are said to have been present during the creation of the world and the Japanese islands.
Iron Mountain Armory offers this unique item as a way to add to your samurai decor and to extend the culture of Shintoism, an important religion to Samurai and Japan. This art silk impression can be purchased as a cut “print” or as seen in a traditional black frame, ready to be mounted to your wall. The material measures ~18x18cm and the frame measures ~21x21cm (please allow +/- 1cm for hand cutting).