Kogake, (also known as Sabaton kogate, Goku and Koka), are the armored footwear donned by samurai to protect their feet in battle. Traditionally, a samurai tended to wear waraji-gake-tabi (special tabi socks) and waraji (straw sandals), into battle. Over time, various armor types to adorn and/or protect the feet, were developed. Fashioned in the distinctive Japanese “split-toe” tabi style, the samurai warrior would typically lace his Kogake into the waraji, making it an armored shoe. Over time odoshi (lacing), kusari (iron mail) and hinges were implemented into the armor plating to make it more comfortable. A waraji-gake-tabi would be worn with these samurai armor shoes, to add more comfort.
Features: Kogake
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Reference: The Samurai Armour Glossary by Ian Bottomley & David Thatcher